10º CRP
The Centro Rodoferroviário Português (CRP) and the Organizing Committee are pleased to invite you to the 10th Portuguese Road and Rail Congress (CRP) in Lisbon, at LNEC, from 5 to 7 July 2022.
5GMED parter COMSA participation
5GMED parter COMSA will participate in the event on 7 July from 9:00h to 11:00h in the Anfiteatro Arantes e Oliveira (Sessão Paralela 12). Manuel Alfageme, strategic innovation director at COMSA, will engage in the talks ‘Mobility in the Digital Era’ with his presentation ‘COMSA collaborative cost-effective 1GBPS train’.
CRP topics
- Regional Mobility and in Low Density Territories
- Railway and its Central Role in Mobility, Logistics and Sustainable Development
- Urban mobility
- Safe System – Road Traffic Safety
- Environment: Sustainability and Resilience
- Sustainable Innovation to Ensure Availability in Transport Infrastructures
- Bridges and Tunnels (Road and Rail): Operation Maintenance and Rehabilitation (Bridges and Tunnels)
- Mobility in the Digital Age