Scientific Paper (Open Access)
eHDL: Turning eBPF/XDP Programs into Hardware Designs for the NIC
Adaptive Messaging based on the Age of Information in VANETs
eHDL: Turning eBPF/XDP Programs into Hardware Designs for the NIC

Standardization Initiatives and Market Approaches in Edge Federation

Impact of Network Densification on Joint Slicing and Functional Splitting in 5G
Faster Software Packet Processing on FPGA NICs with eBPF Program Warping
Evaluation of AI-based Smart-Sensor Deployment at the Extreme Edge of a Software-Defined Network
Demo: Interoperability between Cellular and V2X Networks (802.11p / LTE-PC5) under a Cloud Native Edge Scenario
5GMED Architecture for Automotive and Railway Communication Services in Cross-Border Scenarios
5GMED Connected and Automated Mobility and Future Railway Mobile Communication Use Cases in the Mediterranean Cross-Border Corridor
Presentation of the paper ‘Evaluation of AI-based Smart-Sensor Deployment at the Extreme Edge of a Software-Defined Network’
Faster Software Packet Processing on FPGA NICs with eBPF Program Warping
5GMED Connected and Automated Mobility and Future Railway Mobile Communication Use Cases in the Mediterranean Cross-Border Corridor
Impact of Network Densification on Joint Slicing and Functional Splitting in 5G
Demo: Interoperability between Cellular and V2X Networks (802.11p / LTE-PC5) under a Cloud Native Edge Scenario
5GMED Seamless Connectivity for Digital Trains
A DL-based estimation probability approach for VRU collision avoidance
Cross-border 5G Seamless Connectivity for Connected and Automated Mobility: Challenges, Network Implementation, and Lessons Learnt
NSFaaS: Network Slice Federation as a Service in Cloud-Native 5G and Beyond Mobile Networks