17th Newsletter – The 5GMED November 2023 Digest


Dear 5GMED community,

Greetings from the 5GMED Project Team! As we gear up for the year-end, let’s take a moment to reflect on the milestones achieved in November.

Video: Demo Days Results

The 5GMED project hit a significant milestone, and what better way to demonstrate its achievements than with two action-packed days of live demonstrations? On October 25th and 26th, 2023, the European Commission representatives came to evaluate the progress in deploying 5G technology for seamless cross-border mobility along the Mediterranean Corridor between Spain and France achieved by 5GMED this year. Take a closer look at the multiple events that unfolded during these intensive demo days.

📽 Watch the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KW4VxytW4pU

Webinar Recording: Connectivity Beyond Limits

On November 8, 2023, we hosted a webinar titled “Connectivity Beyond Limits: 5G in Cross-Border Mobility Scenarios.” The event featured speakers from our consortium and fellow 5G projects, including 5G-Rail and 5G Blueprint. Our experts talked about the transformative power of 5G in the cross-border mobility sector. The webinar specifically focused on the outcomes of our four use cases, highlighting advancements in teleoperation, digitalization of road infrastructure, improved railway connectivity, and personalized infotainment systems.

📽 Missed the live event? Catch the recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfR1hNSWZgo

Upcoming Webinar: Save the Date

Join us on December 14, 2023, at 11 CET for a webinar titled “Outputs from the ICT-53 projects in deploying 5G in cross-border scenarios” on the challenges and solutions of 5G deployment across European borders.

Two roundtable sessions are planned: the first will discuss achievements, outputs, and strategic plans of the ICT-53 projects—5G-Blueprint Project, 5GMED, 5GRAIL and 5G-ROUTES Project. The second roundtable will involve discussions on challenges, recommendations, and lessons learned from these projects in deploying 5G technologies in cross-border scenarios.

Book your spot: https://www.airmeet.com/e/73e3daa0-8f67-11ee-9eb8-91eca34b917b

Add the event to your calendar: https://www.linkedin.com/events/outputsfromtheict-53projectsind7135656935663562752/

Thank you for being part of the 5GMED community.

Best regards,

The 5GMED Project Team

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This newsletter was originally published on LinkedIn.