5GMED partners met at Hispasat facilities to prepare the Large-Scale Trials
If you commute to work, you have probably suffered some traffic jams. Believe it or not, last 3 May 2023 some 5GMED partners were stuck at their car on their way to the Hispasat facilities in Madrid. That is how we had to start the 5GMED partners face to face meeting of this month (3-4 May), in which we prepared the Large-Scale Trials of October 2023.
Traffic jam overcome, we all could meet in the Spanish capital to discuss the project progress, challenges and future actions. After the success of the Demo Days in February 2023, in which we carried out small-scale pilots in the Circuit of Castellolí (Spain) and the LFP facilities (Spain-France) to showcase the project’s progress to the European Commission delegation, the objective of this meeting was to go one step further: be prepared for the October 2023 Trials in which February’s small-scale pilots will become large-scale trials in a real the cross-border scenario. The rehearsal will be on 16-20 October 2023, and the final Trials, on 25-26 October 2023.
That is why we also aimed at focusing the efforts of 5GMED last period on the 5G and cross-border scenarios until the end of the project.

5GMED future actions
5GMED parters who attended the meeting agreed that the focus of the project will be on preparing the Large-Scale Trails of October 2023 and getting ready for the European Commission reports.
After two intense days of discussions, team-building activities and workshops with new objectives and challenges, the 5GMED partners could come back to their usual offices ready to start working on the future actions above mentioned to keep disrupting mobility in the Mediterranean Cross-Border Corridor.