Celebrating the Culmination of 5GMED Project at Castell de Peralada 

The 5GMED Final Event took place at Castell de Peralada on June 27, 2024, with a preceding non-public event on June 26, during which the European Commission evaluated the project’s results across all four use cases. This event marked the culmination of four years of dedicated effort by our team members, who have been working towards developing a 5G deployment model for future mobility within the Mediterranean Cross-Border Corridor between Spain and France. 

The Future of Connected Mobility in Europe 

The event began with a round table discussion titled “The Future of Connected Mobility in Europe,” featuring: Antonio Muruais (MITMA), Sergi Sarri (MWC Barcelona), Sergi Figuerola (i2CAT), and Manuel Alfageme (COMSA). 

Sergi Figuerola remarked, “connectivity is right now what we pursue in this new digital society in which we live. Sustainability is key, so to achieve this sustainability we must advance in connected mobility because mobility is one of the key areas of this digital society that we’re building.” 

Antonio Muruais added, “some studies indicate that with a penetration of 30% of connected vehicles, we can reduce accident rates by 15%. This is fully aligned with EU policies on road safety and sustainability.” 

The Importance of the 5GMED Project 

Following the round table, a series of presentations focused on the 5GMED project and its implications for connected mobility. 

Oscar Parols, Innovation Business Development and Technology Director at Cellnex, discussed the challenges and complexities of deploying 5G infrastructure in isolated areas. He stressed the importance of a neutral host model to optimize costs and improve efficiency. 

José López Luque, the project coordinator, outlined the project’s objectives to improve the Mediterranean Corridor, enhance road safety, reduce carbon emissions, and improve traffic management efficiency. 

Paco Vázquez Gallego, the technical manager, detailed the technical challenges and successes in achieving seamless handover processes between national networks, highlighting the reduction of network interruption times to around 75 milliseconds. 

Keynote Speech by the European Commission 

Christian Micas, Senior Policy Officer for 5G for Connected and Automated Mobility Coordination at the European Commission, delivered a keynote speech emphasizing the critical role of the 5GMED project in advancing connected and automated mobility across Europe. He underscored the importance of cross-border cooperation, significant investments, and addressing challenges such as market fragmentation and cybersecurity to achieve seamless connectivity and enhance transport efficiency, safety, and sustainability. 

Live Demonstrations 

The first part of the event featured demonstrations of the teleoperation driving and road infrastructure digitalization use cases.  

Mark Riera Pujal, Secretary of Telecommunications and Digital Transformation of Catalonia, concluded the demonstrations with remarks emphasizing Catalonia’s role as a hub for innovation and the transformative impact of 5G technology. He highlighted the importance of international collaboration and the potential of the 5GMED project to serve as a model for other regions. 

Networking and Further Demonstrations  

Following the first two demonstrations, attendees were invited for a lunch break and networking session. A group photograph was taken of all stage participants and project leaders. The afternoon continued with further demonstrations, including infotainment and enhanced railway communication services, allowing attendees to explore the full scope of the project’s achievements. 

Thank You for Being With Us 

We express our heartfelt gratitude to all participants, stakeholders, and supporters who have contributed to the success of this project over the past four years. As we look to the future, the achievements of the 5GMED project will undoubtedly serve as a foundation for further advancements in sustainable and connected mobility across Europe. 

If you missed the live event, you can watch it on YouTube: