The communities page gathers the communities with which
the project 5GMED is associated

The 5G Infrastructure Public Private Partnership (5G PPP) is a joint initiative between the European Commission and the European ICT industry (ICT manufacturers, telecommunications operators, service providers, SMEs and researcher Institutions). The 5G-PPP is now in its third phase where many new projects were launched in Brussels in June 2018. The 5G PPP will deliver solutions, architectures, technologies and standards for the ubiquitous next-generation communication infrastructures of the coming decade.
The challenge for the 5G Public Private Partnership (5G PPP) is to secure Europe’s leadership in the particular areas where Europe is strong or where there is potential for creating new markets such as smart cities, e-health, intelligent transport, education or entertainment & media. The 5G PPP initiative will reinforce the European industry to successfully compete in global markets and open new innovation opportunities. It will “open a platform that helps us reach our common goal to maintain and strengthen the global technological lead”

In the 5G PPP, the 5G IA represents the private side and the European Commission the public side. The Governing Board of the 5G IA is composed by 16 members, elected from the membership, who, in turn, elect the Chair of the Association. Membership is open and the terms and conditions for joining can be found here. The Board is supported by the 5G IA Office.
The 5G IA is committed to the advancement of 5G in Europe and to building global consensus on 5G. To this aim, the Association brings together a global industry community of telecoms & digital actors, such as operators, manufacturers, research institutes, universities, verticals, SMEs and ICT associations. The 5G IA carries out a wide range of activities in strategic areas including standardization, frequency spectrum, R&D projects, technology skills, collaboration with key vertical industry sectors, notably for the development of trials, and international cooperation.