D8.3 First impact report and plan update

Deliverable 8.3 First Impact report and plan update (M18) is related to Work Package 8 Impact maximisation. The document aims at presenting the results obtained by executing the dissemination, communication, and exploitation strategy defined in deliverable 8.2 Impact maximization plan (M6).

The communication strategy results describe the activities and its impact on the project. During the period reported, communication tools such as website, social media, videos, newsletter, press release, communication material have been used with the aim of raising awareness and explaining the project to a wide-range of sector-specific stakeholders, as well as society at large, in order to contribute to the acceptance of CCAM/FRMCS technologies. For each tool, the document presents the activities performed and the result obtained through the extraction of data (views, impressions, open rate). The analytics contribute to detect the activities with most impact and to adapt the plan in order to improve 5GMED visibility in the 5G ecosystem.

The dissemination plan results report about the participation in scientific and industrial and describe the dissemination of the results of 5GMED between M6 and M18. The objective of the plan is to reinforce the 5GMED impacts increasing stakeholders’ dialogue and acceptance. The results show the need to increase the publication of papers and the participation to scientific conferences.

The document also reports the collaboration opportunities with other European projects and the participation in associations. By establishing communication bridges with the ICT-18 and ICT-53 projects, 5GMED looks at leveraging the experiences and knowledges of the different projects. Future collaboration activities will give the potential to find new synergies between the partners’ projects.

The exploitation plan progress description in the deliverable presents each partner’s overall and individual progress to the main 5GMED milestones. The main breakthrough is the definition of the 5G network architecture to support large-scale 5G services in the special conditions of the Spain-France corridors with potential extensions to any European cross-border area. The exploitation plan is divided into three phases following the technical development and maturity progress.

Read the full document below:
