15th Newsletter – September 2023: The next demonstration of the 5GMED technologies applied to mobility in the cross-border is just around the corner


Do you remember that in February 5GMED proved connectivity beyond limits in mobility cross-border scenarios with 5GSmall scale pilots’ demonstrations of the 5GMED project were held in the Circuit of Castellolí (Spain) and the LFP facilities (Spain-France) to showcase the project’s progress to the European Commission delegation. 

Back in February, 5GMED partners simulated the conditions of the Spanish-French border, but now the days of the final judgment are coming: on the 25th and 26th of October, the large-scale trials will take place. This means that the 5GMED technologies to disrupt future mobility in the Mediterranean Cross-Border Corridor will be tested. This time without any simulations, because the tests will be executed in a real cross-border scenario

Let’s keep refreshing your memory. Four use cases will be under trial, as well as the 5GMED network architecture and the network infrastructure. Since a picture is worth more than a thousand words, below you can check some GIFs explaining each of them: 

Use Case 1 – Remote Driving 

Automated driving on highways can be performed in full safety, even when a critical event occurs on the Automated Driving System (ADS) preventing the normal system operation beyond the homologated Operation Design Domain (ODD). Using the 5G cellular network, 5GMED will demonstrate that a teleoperator can control the car from a remote location and ensure the Dynamic Driving Task Fallback (DDT, specified by SAE J3016) with full safety.  

Use Case 2 – Road Infrastructure Digitalization 

The road infrastructure is digitalized with a network of sensors, enabling road operators to execute intelligent traffic management strategies that ensure uninterrupted, safe, and efficient mobility in a situation of mixed conventional and automated traffic. 5GMED will prove that a 5G infrastructure can collect, analyze and disseminate messages within very short times, and with low latency. Also in the cross-border. 

Use Case 3 – Future Railway Mobile Communications 

The commercial train will travel between Spain and France, with advanced applications in cross border situationsAll train users (passengers, staff and machines) will experience service continuity throughout the journey with different performance, depending on the capabilities of the radio access technologies existing in each track interval. 

Use Case 4 – Follow-ME Infotainment  

5GMED will demonstrate how, by means of the technology resources developed in the 5GMED project, it will be possible for general users travelling at high speed by train or car to access high-quality media content while keeping high QoE/QoS levels. 

The target is to optimize the media content distribution, resulting in a high-quality reception and avoiding service disruptions, even in the cross-border. 

We will tell you more about the results of the 5GMED Demo Days in the next article of the 5GMED project newsletter! In the meantime, you can read the 5GMED news 5G’s Transformative Power: Making Roads 90 percent Safer with Autonomy on several media, such as The Fast ModeTechno News and Urban Transport News.

The Mediterranean waves of the Spanish-French cross-border corridor keep sounding, as 5GMED keeps sharing their news with you in this monthly newsletter, to which we invite you to subscribe now! 

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This newsletter was originally published on LinkedIn.