The October 2023 Demo Days: How It Was
Last week, the 5GMED project hit a significant milestone, and what better way to demonstrate its achievements than with two action-packed days of live demonstrations? On October 25th and 26th, 2023, the European Commission representatives came along to evaluate the progress achieved by 5GMED. Let’s take a closer look at the multiple events that unfolded during these intensive demo days.

Day 1: Focusing on 5G Architecture Testing and Use Case 1
The event commenced with an overview of the project’s current status presented by José López Luque, the 5GMED coordinator. Following this, Francisco Vázquez Gallego, the technical manager, presented the project’s actions since the last review in February 2023, highlighting achievements and laying out the next steps.
The day proceeded with network-specific demonstrations along the Spain-France border corridor. The tests included the collection and visualization of network Key Performance Indicators, inter-cell handovers, cross-border roaming (inter-PLMN HO), 5G Network Slicing, and MOCN in France.

In the afternoon, the focus shifted to Use Case 1: remote driving. The UC1 demo briefing provided an overview of the use case, discussed cross-border challenges, measurements of service KPIs, and a brief description of the impending demonstration.
Perhaps, the most captivating part of the day was the UC1 demonstration, where the reviewers as well as all the consortium observed the impressive performance of inter-PLMN handovers during remote driving. This live demonstration proved the functionality of the UC1 services. An automotive car was put to the test on the highway, with a driver sitting kilometers away – a sight to behold.

Day 2: Putting to the Test the Use Cases 2, 3, and 4
The morning of the second day of the demo featured two sessions, the overview of the UC2 (Road Infrastructure Digitalisation) and the UC4 (Follow-Me Infotainment). These sessions covered a range of topics, including use cases overviews, challenges, and brief descriptions of upcoming demonstrations.

Following the briefings, the actual tests commenced on the Spain-France border. UC2 demonstration exhibited the exchange of hazard notification messages between countries, demonstrating the functionality of UC services and the impact of cross-border issues.

Simultaneously, UC4 demonstration showed seamless infotainment services crossing national boundaries.

In the afternoon, the spotlight shifted to Use Case 3 – railway services crossing the border between two countries. The UC3 briefing included an overview of the use case, discussion of cross-border operational challenges, and an explanation of the upcoming tests.
The grand finale was the UC3 demonstration, taking place on the Figueres-Perpignan Line. Here, the functionality of UC services was put on full display, allowing attendees to witness the collection and visualization of service KPIs and appreciate the impact of cross-border challenges.

The European Commission has provided a positive evaluation of the project’s achievements made since February 2023, and with the last grand demo days scheduled for June 2024, the project is poised to reach the finish line, where its overall achievements will be thoroughly tested and proven.
Take a look at a behind-the-scenes video that pulls back the veil on the incredible effort, dedication, and teamwork that powered our October 2023 Demos:
Watch the full video of the highlights from the October trials: