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5GMED at Infocom Gr 2020
Eight bells partner represented project 5GMED at the Infocom Gr event. You can consult the PowerPoint presented below 5GMED_Infocom_presentation_final You can also watch the presentation here
“5G everywhere”: 5GMED presentation in the 5G PPP Webinar
On the 6th of November the 5GMED project was introduced during the “5G PPP Webinar: 5G for Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility (CCAM)” organised by the 5G Infrastructure Public Private Partnership, (5G PPP). The project manager, Raül González Prats, from Cellnex Telecom, explained the main objectives and methodology for 5GMED to be effective. "The long-term vision is to achieve 5G everywhere" Principal Scientific Officer from the European Commission (EC), Jorge Pereira has opened the...
5GMED at Diálogo en torno a las infraestructuras ferroviarias
Last 26th of October 2020, Manuel Alfageme from COMSA Corporación presented 5GMED at the webinar "Diálogo sobre Infraestructuras Ferroviarias para una Movilidad Inteligente y Segura " organised by Ministerio de Transportes, Movilidad y Agenda Urbana in the framework of the Spanish Strategy for Safe, Sustainable and Connected Mobility 2030.
5GMED in media
Check out the mention of the 5GMED project in European media Apoyo europeo a la mobilidad del futuro (La Vanguardia)La CE dota amb 12 milions el corredor mediterrani de 5G (El punt avui)16 millones para probar el coche con 5G en la AP-7 (El País)El corredor 5g del Mediterrani...
5GMED Logo
Find here the logo of project 5GMED Download the SVG file
5GMED at the XX Congreso Español ITS: ITS as a Service.
Presentation of the project by AUTOPISTAS Xavier Daura "Proyecto 5GMED: despliegue sostenible de 5G para la movilidad delfuturo en el Corredor del Mediterráneo" 12.00 – 14.30: ITS en la Infraestructura Programa20XX20CEITS_920julio_BnaH0VXUTWy2THR8v4jA
5GMED: The future of mobility in the Mediterranean cross-border corridor
5GMED project will design a joint roads/railways 5G infrastructure architecture in cross-border between France and Spain in the Mediterranean corridor unlocking roadways/railways synergies to accelerate cross-border large-scale 5G deployments with proven sustainable business models to demonstrate scalability potential. The 5GMED project, with a global investment of 16 Mio euros of which 75% is financed by the European...