6th Newsletter – July 2022
Dear 5GMED community,
Since we hadn’t yet welcomed the Summer, we wanted to jump into the sunny season with our 6th Newsletter. In the July edition you will find:
- A chronicle and videos of what we did at the EuCNC and 6G Summit together with 5G-Routes and 5G-Blueprint.
- Some interviews of 5GMED parters face to face meeting in Barcelona.
- A scientific article about 5GMED’s four use cases.
- Another chronicle, this one about 5GMED presentation at the ITS European Congress.
- Two interviews with two 5GMED partners: Valeo and SNCF.
- Some upcoming events.
- A white paper titled From 5G to 6G Vision: A Connected and Automated Mobility perspective.
Enjoy the reading, and enjoy the Summer!
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