
11th Newsletter – May 2023: Remote driving cars and intelligent trains crossing the Spanish-French border

SUBSCRIBE TO THE 5GMED NEWSLETTER HERE! Yes, you are not wrong to read the headline. The 5GMED Project is working to demonstrate advanced Cooperative Connected, and Automated Mobility (CCAM) and Future Railway Mobile Communications System services (FRMCS) along the Mediterranean Corridor between Spain and France. The objective is to design a common roads/railways 5G infrastructure architecture, through four use cases: 🚘 Remote driving. 🚦 Road infrastructure digitalisation.  🚈 Future Railway...

D8.3 First impact report and plan update

Deliverable 8.3 First Impact report and plan update (M18) is related to Work Package 8 Impact maximisation. The document aims at presenting the results obtained by executing the dissemination, communication, and exploitation strategy defined in deliverable 8.2 Impact maximization plan (M6). The communication strategy results describe the activities and its impact...

D5.2. Initial design for FRMCS and railways infotainment test cases

Deliverable D5.2 is the second report for WP5. It identifies and describes every hardware and software component needed to implement UC3 (FRMCS performance and business applications service continuity) and UC4 (Follow-Me Entertainment) in the railway scenario. This document also describes the interfaces between the hardware components and the train (mechanical...